Thursday, April 24, 2008

On raising something.

I believe that people, or in any case living beings, shouldn't be treated like tempered metal.

Tempered metal, after enduring heat and hammer, becomes cold, stiff, stationary.
And in most cases, ends up to be used to inflict force, and strike pain.

On the other hand, I believe living things should be treated like growing a tree.

You take good care of the seed, then plant it in fertile ground.
You water it, nourish it, and treat it with care.

In the end, that seed will grow to be a large tree, capable of enduring winds.

Capable of enduring heat.
Capable of enduring the seasons.
And able to give life and solace to others under it's shade.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, this'll be my first entry.

This blog will probably be more full of my thoughts than anything else. By that, I mean deep-deep thoughts on just about anything.

Or just plain ramblings and nonsense along the way.

Anyways, here goes!